Two Meets in One Week
By Sidney Burkinshaw, Mary Hamilton, and Abigail Thiele, speech team presidents
This week was a busy one for the West Holt Speech Team as they competed at two meets: NVC in Stuart on Wednesday and Lutheran High Northeast on Friday. They worked hard and came home with some hardware to show for them.
West Holt took home the runner-up trophy at this year’s NVC invite. Only the top two competitors on the team could participate at this meet. In extemporaneous speaking Carter Gotschall was 6th and Brooklynn Butterfield was 4th. In informative speaking Madison Kratz was 4th and Sidney Burkinshaw was 2nd. The OID consisting of Abigail Thiele, Mary Belle Hamilton, Sidney Burkinshaw, Nate Cambras, and Carter Gotschall placed 4th. In humorous prose David Armstrong placed 4th and Mary Belle Hamilton placed 3rd. Iris Sanchez was 6th in poetry and Abigail Thiele placed 4th. Madysen Kramer placed 5th in serious prose. In persuasive speaking, Ava Hoffman was 5th and Lily Vogel was 3rd.
West Holt finished in 3rd at the Lutheran High Northeast Invite. The top three competitors on the team were able to participate at this meet. Emersyn Mlady and Peyton Olberding placed 6th in duet acting. In extemporaneous speaking Carter Gotschall was 4th, Sidney Burkinshaw was 3rd, and Brooklynn Butterfield was 2nd. In informative speaking Madison Kratz was 3rd and Sidney Burkinshaw was 2nd. Mary Belle Hamilton placed 4th in humorous prose. In poetry Iris Sanchez placed 4th and Abigail Thiele placed 1st. Ava Hoffman was 4th in persuasive speaking. Brooklynn Butterfield placed 6th in POI.
Congratulations to all those who placed this week! On Saturday, March 2nd, the speech team will attend the Creighton Invitational, the last meet before districts on March 11, which will be hosted by West Holt. Be sure to mark it on your calendars and come out to support the Huskies!
Also, the speech recital honoring the seniors will be on Monday, March 4 at 7:00 PM. The public is invited to attend and see all the amazing speakers who have performed during the season.