Looking for: Pictures of elementary students hunting, fishing, or an outdoor adventure to put in our hall of fame for Reading Fun Night. Bring them with you to parent teacher conferences. Can't wait to see all of the pictures!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Kathy Randolph
Submitted by BS 5th grade
Save the Date!
about 1 year ago, Teresa Ruppert
8th grade Career Expo
Tough one for the ladies last night but they will bounce back strong on Friday. West Holt will play Stuart at Bartlett on Friday at 6:15 here is an updated bracket. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ktFA--FfHBFXS3nagKyr4Ecx6PE2pR8a/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100566155120519755571&rtpof=true&sd=true
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
Camo theme tonight!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
The West Holt ladies advance to the semi finals with a win over Elkhorn Valley. They will play at Spencer on Tuesday at 6:15 pm. Great job ladies and Student section was awesome.
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
The West Holt Public School Veterans Day Program is only 4 weeks away. If you would like to have your veteran honored in our slide show and he/she was not on the slideshow last year, email a picture to sanmeyer@westholt.org or drop it off at the office.
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Meyer
Veterans Day
For VB tonight KBRB will be here to broadcast the West Holt match
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
Information for State Cross Country. https://nsaahome.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-Parking-Map.png. The link to pre-order state championship meet apparel is here: https://nsaastatecrosscountry2023.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
Mrs. Roemer's class celebrated fire safety week. Fire safety rules were review, games were played, and Dot the Firedog was a craft made during the week.
about 1 year ago, Krissa Roemer
Fire Safety Week
Fire Safety Week
Fire Safety Week
Fire Safety Week i
NVC VB tonight the Huskies will play at approx. 7:30 versus the winner of Niobrara-Verdigre and Elkhorn Valley. Let's get r done ladies.
about 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
Mrs. Linders' PreK classes have been practicing patterns. Here is the Afternoon Class showing off their Pumpkin Patterns!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Teresa Linders
PreK patterns
The 4th grade class presented "Ranita the Frog Princess" after learning about the elements of a drama. Students practiced their expression and the timing of the dialogue that took place between the characters.
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Cary Gotschall
After completing units on Flight and Residential Construction, the 7th graders ended the quarter with CO2 race cars. Reese H had the fastest car!
over 1 year ago, Jeff Kraus
cars launching
class winner
Information for Battle Creek football game tonight, and yes it will be cold. Admissions: Adults - $6 Students - $4 Gate opens at 6:00 p.m. **Some fans may have paid at VB for the FB game. Hands will be marked with an ‘F’. Streaming: Game will be streamed: Battle Creek Public Schools - YouTube Radio: KBRB Passes: We will accept Conference Passes from your fans.
over 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
West Holt juniors and seniors attended a college fair hosted by O'Neill High School on Friday, October 13th. Students were able to visit with various college reprsentatives as well as military recruiters.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Ruppert
Maddi R, Cadey, Maddie D
Ainsley, Lainey, Rylee, Elley
Abby Dunn, Addie K
Itzel S, Sam C, Aubrie C
Vinny B, Zach H
Brianna A
Kruz J, Hanna O, Oli S, Nick H, Cole P
Drew M, Kyle S, Mason C, Leah P, Lincoln K, Katelyn K
Nolan H, Caeden L, Andrew R
Teagan B
The JH VB and FB teams celebrated the end of their seasons with a pizza party at the Alley sponsored by the Alley and the WH Booster Club.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Ruppert
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Having Fun!
Pizza Party
JH VB and FB Pizza Party
Our elementary students are enjoying reading Kevin Lovegreen's books. They are excited about his upcoming visit to our school on Tuesday, November 14th. Here is what a few of them had to say: 2nd grade: "I like the adventure and that it is about hunting." MS "I like the pictures and the nice stuff about hunting you can learn." TM 5th grade: "I like Kevin Lovegreen because he loves hunting as much as I do." GM "He talks about nature and it relates to me because I go hunting with my family and go explore nature." BS We are looking for pictures of students and their hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventures to display at Reading Fun Night. Send them to katrandolph@westholt.org or bring a copy to the school office. Register your family online for an entertaining night: http://bit.ly/readingbanquet
over 1 year ago, Kathy Randolph