To access the order form for the 2023 Booster Club Apparel, click this link:
over 1 year ago, West Holt Public Schools
Booster Club
Name: Kylie Coyle - Hometown: Stuart - College you graduated from: Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD - Bachelors Degree in 2017 - Masters Degree in 2020 - Where you taught before: 2 years in 5th grade in Aberdeen, SD - 2 years in 5th grade in Tea, SD - 2 years in Tea, SD as an Instructional Coach for Grades 4-8 - Mrs. Coyle is most excited to be able to raise her family in the same area she and her husband grew up in, and to get to work with a staff of dedicated individuals who want to provide a positive impact on every student. She is a bit nervous for the transition back into the classroom after being an instructional coach the past two years. However, Mrs. Coyle is looking forward to implementing many positive things she learned from other teachers with her own group of students. And finally, Skydiving is #1 on her bucket list! So if you book a trip to jump from a plane sometime sure to let her know! Be sure to welcome Kylie and her family to Atkinson and WHPS as you run into her to start the year.
over 1 year ago, Paul Pistulka
Click of the following link ( or scan to QR code to access all the West Holt K-6 Required Paperwork for the 2023-24 School Year. ALL PAPERWORK needs to be signed and turned into the office by Friday, August 18, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Meyer
K-6 Required Paperwork
Name: Drew Purviance - Hometown: Lynch, NE - College you graduated from: Wayne State College - Where have you taught previously: Allen Consolidated Schools in Allen, NE - Ms. Purviance is most excited about getting to know the students, staff, and community members of West Holt! However, transitioning from a 5th grade classroom to a 3rd grade classroom is something she is a bit nervous about, but we are sure she will do great with it! Believe it or not, Ms. Purviance has 40+ first cousins on her mother's side of her family, and some of them she have never even met! Now that's a lot! Be sure to welcome Drew here at school and when you see her around town!
over 1 year ago, Paul Pistulka
Little Paws Preschool Home Visit SIGN UP is now available! Click the link to sign up with Ms. Smalley - 3yr old Preschool or Mrs. Linders - 4yr old Preschool.
over 1 year ago, Tiffany Gotschall
Welcome to WH Ms. Smalley!! Name: Rhiannan Smalley - Hometown: Butte - College you graduated from: Wayne State - Where you taught before: 1st year teaching (but has been para at WH for the last two school years) - Ms. Smalley is most excited about meeting her new students in the 3 year old classroom. She is a bit nervous about getting everything arranged and ready as she would like it in the classroom for the school year. Also, Ms. Smalley loves to decorate Christmas Cookies! It won't be long and the Holiday Season will be here. Don't forget to let her know what knew decorating ideas you may have! Please Welcome Rhiannan to her new role when you see her at school or around town.
over 1 year ago, Paul Pistulka
Click of the following link ( or scan to QR code to access all the West Holt 7-12 Required Paperwork for the 2023-24 School Year. ALL PAPERWORK needs to be signed and turned into the office by Friday, August 18, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Meyer
Required Paperwork
The last day to sign up for the SEPTEMBER 9th ACT (without a late fee) is THIS FRIDAY, August 4th!! Go to to register! See you SOON!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Ruppert
6-8th grades West Holt football camp. 9-10:15 am on July 31st and Aug. 1st. Campers need football shoes if they have them. No need to sign up just show up at the practice field. Our goal is to teach fundamentals of football. If you have any questions please contact my self at 492-340-7672 or at Thanks
over 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
reminder to parents and athletes to get your physicals. Aug. 7th is start of fall practice, no physical no practice.
over 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
West Holt football camp for 6-8 grade students on July 31st and August 1st, 9:00-10:15 am. West Holt practice field
over 1 year ago, Coach Neptune
Youth Volleyball Canceled!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Katy Bonifas
Youth Vball
7th-12th Grade Cross Country Runners: NO morning XC conditioning on the 4th. We WILL have our time trials on Thursday, July 6th. Please try to be there if you can.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
No xc
NOTICE West Holt Public Schools Board of Education will have a Work Session on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 12 p.m. in the board meeting room at West Holt Public Schools. The purpose will be: review of the state of the school and review of the strategic plan goals.
over 1 year ago, Paul Pistulka
Meet at the track.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
West Holt Public School has an opening for the following: *Custodian - Employment to begin ASAP. Custodian applicants should possess knowledge of general maintenance, a strong work ethic, and consider obtaining a CDL. Paid on the job training will be provided. nterview and selection process will begin as soon as possible. Interested candidates, please contact the school office at (402) 925-2890 to speak with an administrator. An application can be found on the school website ( on the “About Our District” page under “Employment Opportunities”. Positions opened until filled. EOE. Information and an application can be found at
over 1 year ago, West Holt Public Schools
West Holt Public School has openings for a Paraprofessional: Elementary and/or JH/HS Paraeducator - Employment to begin in August. Applicants must have a high school diploma and meet one of the following criteria: 1) Associates Degree or higher, 2) completed 48 hours of college credits, or 3) be willing to obtain ESSA certification. Interview and selection process will begin as soon as possible. Interested candidates, please contact the school office at (402) 925-2890 to speak with an administrator. An application can be found on the school website ( on the “About Our District” page under “Employment Opportunities”. Positions opened until filled. EOE. Information and an application can be found at
over 1 year ago, West Holt Public Schools
Youth Volleyball
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Katy Bonifas
Youth Vball
Nine students at West Holt earned 1000 points on their four NWEA MAP test. Full article can be found
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Meyer
1000 pt Club
Extra track shirts are available in the office. First come basis. $16. Sizes youth medium up to adult XL in pink and blue.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
track shirt
track shirt