Just a reminder! Thanks to those of you who have submitted your pictures.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
senior pictures
The high school music department concert is now on May 7th following the 5th-8th grade concert.
almost 2 years ago, West Holt Public Schools
date change
Soph will take the Pre-ACT on Tues (4.18) at Faith Wesleyan Church (1203 N HWY 11). We will provide breakfast, testing to follow. Report directly to the church by 8 AM. Testing will be complete by 11 AM and students will return to the school. You may want to bring a drink.
almost 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
The Scholastic Book will be at West Holt Elementary starting on Sun., April 16th. Check out the article on the Website (https://www.westholtps.org/article/1071643) for more details.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Meyer
Scholastic Book Fair is HERE
Preschool Registration is LIVE! 3yr old preschool - https://forms.gle/RjTNUJiVdxq7xxRp7 4yr old preschool - https://forms.gle/3ztPCbS1hEfDanc3A Any questions, please reach out to the school.
almost 2 years ago, Tiffany Gotschall
Go to: https://live.athletic.net/meets/22474 and follow along with LIVE RESULTS from the West Holt Junior High Track Invite on Thursday, April 6th!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
live results
💛💙2023-24 WH Dance Team tryouts are right around the corner! 💙💛
almost 2 years ago, Jamie Jakubowski
All sophomores will take the Pre-ACT on TUESDAY, April 18th.  Please report directly to Faith Wesleyan church (1203 N. HWY 11, Atkinson, NE) by 8AM.  We will provide breakfast and begin testing by approximately 8:15AM.  Plan to return to school following testing.  If you need a ride to or from the church please let Mr. Havranek or me know. It will take about 2.5-3 hours.  You do not need to bring anything except something to drink with your breakfast pizza.
almost 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
The Valentine Art Show has been canceled due to impending weather. This art show will NOT be rescheduled.
almost 2 years ago, Megan Poessnecker
Valentine Art Show Canceled
View the West Holt February/March Husky Highlights! https://youtu.be/8juuZE4kM-4
almost 2 years ago, West Holt Public Schools
While times and marks may not reflect it, the Husky track athletes fought through the cold and wind to bring home two more championships! RESULTS: https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/484257/results/all
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
almost 2 years ago, Jamie Jakubowski
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
Vocab legos in 8th grade English today!
SOPHOMORES- will NOT take the Pre-ACT on Wednesday, April 5th as originally planned. Testing materials did not arrive in time. Watch for the new date(to be determined) in the coming days. Please plan accordingly. Thanks for your flexibiliy
almost 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
If you are traveling through Valentine on Wednesday, April 5th, stop by the Valentine High School to see some amazing artwork! The show will be open to the public from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Megan Poessnecker
Valentine Art Show
Due to excessive snow days throughout this school year, WHPS will be adding one school day to the end of the year. May 18th will be a full school day and May 19th will be the 1/2 day that is the last day of school. Please make adjustments to your calendar. Preschool changes will be communicated by the teachers. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation
almost 2 years ago, Paul Pistulka
Preschool Registration is LIVE! 3yr old preschool - https://forms.gle/RjTNUJiVdxq7xxRp7 4yr old preschool - https://forms.gle/3ztPCbS1hEfDanc3A Any questions, please reach out to the school.
almost 2 years ago, Tiffany Gotschall
Live Registration
Track meet date change
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Kraus
Trinton using Archimedes principle in physics
almost 2 years ago, Mr Todd Hale
physics hot air balloon
The golf team replaced "The Old Rangeland " with a dual vs Battle Creek at FairPlay GC on Thursday, April 6. Tee time 1:00. 18-holes.
almost 2 years ago, Mr Todd Hale
The girls were meet champions and the boys were meet runner-up at the Stanton Invite today! RESULTS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QL4SNkIXN6v9OImO1aiV5YAGmcuwtCUC/view?usp=drivesdk
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
meet champion