Reminder that softball/baseball forms are due in the office tomorrow...Wednesday, March 8th
about 2 years ago, Paul Pistulka
baseball form
SOPHOMORES: Mark your calendars! All sophomores will take the PRE-ACT on Wednesday, April 5th. Details coming soon!
about 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
WH students in 8-10th grades - Please remember to complete your course requests on IC for next year. 11th grade - we will work on your requests this Friday, the 10th!
about 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
Hello everyone. Here is this years HS Track Schedule. Always be prepared for postponements and date changes. 3/17/23 Wayne State Indoor 3/24/23 Ainsworth Relays 1:00 3/28/23 Stanton 12:30 4/4/23 North Central @ Bassett 10:00 am and its usually cold 4/14/23 Burwell 10:00 4/20/23 West Holt Invite 12:00 4/27/23 NEN Classic @ Norfolk 4/29/23 NVC Conference meet @ West Holt 9:30 5/2/23 Stuart Meet @ West Holt 9:30 5/4/23 Battle Creek 2:00 5/11/23 District Meet @ West Holt
about 2 years ago, Coach Neptune
WH JUNIORS: Please mark your calendars! All juniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 21st at Faith Wesleyan Church (1203 N. State HWY 11, Atkinson). Breakfast will be provided prior to testing. The ACT will take approximately 4.5 hours. Students will be dismissed for the day following testing.
about 2 years ago, Teresa Ruppert
Congratulations to Carter Gotschall (Extemp, District Champion) and Lily Vogel (Persuasive, 3rd place) for qualifying for the Nebraska State Speech Meet to be held next Thursday, March 16th!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Tasha Hamm
West Holt Speech State Qualifiers
Carter Gotschall, Lily Vogel
The following West Holt students have advanced to finals at the C1-5 District Speech Meet: Serious Prose - Madysen Kramer Humorous Prose - Mary Hamilton, Abigail Thiele Informative - Sidney Burkinshaw POI - Violet Schwager Entertainment - Hannah Olson Poetry - Violet Schwager Persuasive - Maci Nemetz, Lily Vogel Duet Acting - Hannah Olson and Teagan Butterfield Extemporaneous - Carter Gotschall, Brooklynn Butterfield
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Tasha Hamm
District Speech Update: West Holt Finalist
Miles of Smiles will be at West Holt on March 23rd. Complete the online consent at the following link.
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Gotschall
Miles of Smiles
Good Luck at District Speech! REMINDER: No school Monday, March 6. Districts are hosted at West Holt.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
district speech
Mike Donahue presented to students and staff about the value of their lives and the lives of those around them. His message was mixed with humor, personal stories, and the power of connection. We encourage parents to connect and have a conversation with their children over Spring Break about what they learned in Mike's presentation.
about 2 years ago, Tracy Larson
pictures of students with Mike Donahue
Kindergarten Round Up will be held on March 16th at 2:30pm. Please sign up your student by clicking on the link . All students eligible for kindergarten are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Gotschall
KD Round Up
Elementary Spring Parent Teacher Conference is LIVE! Visit to get signed up to meet with your student's teacher!
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Gotschall
PTC Sign Up
IT'S HERE!!! Scan the QR Code or go to your app store to get the new West Holt Public Schools app!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus
The elementary students and teachers had a great time celebrating Read Across America today with crazy hair and hats. Tomorrow is PAJAMA DAY!
about 2 years ago, Tracy Larson
Images of crazy hair & hat day for Read Across America
Girls on the Run is for girls in grades 3-6. Sign up at Call/text 340-2328 with questions.
about 2 years ago, West Holt Public Schools
Tonight (Feb. 28) in the Lecture Hall
about 2 years ago, West Holt Public Schools
mike donahue
Head to the Atkinson Library to see some awesome artwork!
about 2 years ago, Megan Poessnecker
Head to the Library to see some awesome artwork!
Junior High Golf Information JH golf parent meeting will be March 13th at 7:00 pm immediately following the JH track parent meeting. JH golf practice will start Monday, March 27th. It is from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. This will be weather permitting throughout the spring.
about 2 years ago, Danielle Fetherston
JH Golf
Speech Recital will be tonight, Monday, February 27th at 7:00 P.M.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Tasha Hamm
Speech Recital tonight, Monday, February 27th
AYSO Soccer Info
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Sara Kraus